Office Management Software
for CA, CS, Tax Consultants, Advocates, Cost Accountants

Jamku is India's largest practice management solution 💪🏻

Jamku Logo

What is Jamku ?

Jamku is an Online Office Management Software for Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Tax Consultants & Advocates.

Since 2013, Jamku is acclaimed as the most affordable, scalable and trustworthy Office Management Software to help practioners organize and grow up.

Being a software for Practice Management, Jamku has all the features you need to manage your office, right from Compliance, Tasks, Clients, Password, Digital Signature, File Upload, Attendance, Inward Outward, Expense, Bulk Email & SMS to so much more.

Get Jamku — Best Office Management software for CA, CS

The most functional, secure and feature-rich CA Office Management Software to increase your office productivity at most affordable price.

Office Management Software using latest technology

We proudly boast that Jamku is the fastest office management software.

Icon mdi:lock-check-outline

2048 Bit Encryption

Banking grade encryption

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Fastest loading time (<1 sec)

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Elastic Beanstalk

Fully Scalable Infrastructure

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AWS Aurora

The fastest SQL database

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Vue framework

Glitch free interaction

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Vuetify UI

Intuitive User Experience

How Jamku helps in your Practice Management?

Thousands of CA, CS offices use Jamku to track their clients, assign tasks, manage to-do, check attendance, create reports, charge billable hours, and utilize Jamku's awesome features that saves time and improves productivity.

Team Efficiency

  1. Track which task is assigned to which user

  2. Calculate how many hours are spend on same type of tasks

  3. Get insights on which member should be assigned the next work

Client Management

  1. Group clients into client group for ease of tracking

  2. Rich insights on which client group provides best profitability

  3. Built in Contact and Password management


  1. Know which tasks lead to erosion of margins

  2. Pin point lack of efficiency using Charts

  3. Calculate profitability at Task and Client level

Money Management

  1. Multiple bills for a single task or Single bill for multiple tasks

  2. Single report for receivables management

  3. Manage which users have access to billing and money reports

Modules of Jamku Practice Management Software

Icon mdi:account-box


Icon mdi:timeline-clock

Time Sheet

Icon mdi:scale-balance


Icon mdi:account-details


Icon mdi:alert-octagon-outline


Icon mdi:checkbox-marked-outline


Icon mdi:chat-outline


Icon mdi:folder-outline

File Record

Icon mdi:format-list-checkbox


Icon mdi:key-variant


Icon mdi:paperclip

Digital Sign

Icon mdi:currency-inr


Icon mdi:view-list-outline


Icon mdi:receipt-text-check


Icon mdi:cart-outline


Icon mdi:folder-outline


Icon mdi:tools

Custom Fields

Icon mdi:calendar-range


Icon mdi:format-list-numbered

Task Stage

Icon mdi:star-outline


Most Popular Office Management Software

Jamku is a community of 10,000 professionals!

Jamku is used by thousands of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, and other professionals all over India and the world. We cater to all kinds of offices, regardless of team size or span of control. With active users in India, SAARC, ASEAN, and Africa, Jamku is truly a versatile Office Management software. And the best thing is that despite being so good, we care about price sensitivity and offer the best office management software at one of the lowest prices.

Take a FREE demo now to get 15% Discount!

Our Origin — Story of Excellence

The core concept of developing a software for Chartered Accountants was envisaged by CA Ashok Madrecha , Sr Partner at Madrecha & Company, who has over 36 years of remarkable experience of managing a CA firm.

2012 👩‍🦰 Jamku project was started way back in 2012 to manage own CA firm, with the project nearing completion, it had many admirers.
2013 The software was re-written in 2013 and launched to public as a Desktop based office management software.
2017 Everything is online now. So, Jamku 2 was launched as an online solution in SAAS model . Start managing your office directly from your browser.
2019 In 2019, Jamku was rewritten completely from scratch to keep abreast of the latest technology and was launched as the Fastest Office Management Software Jamku 3 .

Every week we keep releasing updates , making Jamku the most up-to-date office management software you will use.

It is our policy to OPENLY document every update we bring.

Check our Jamku Releases page to see for yourself how frequently we keep bringing the best and most sought-after features for CA, CS, Tax consultants like you. 😋

Jamku is available on all Platforms & OS

Jamku is the only software for CA which is available on all the platforms — be it Android, iOS, Windows, Mac or any browser.

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All major browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

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Full feature Android App installed via Chrome browser

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Full feature iPhone App installed via Safari Browser

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Dedicated Windows Desktop app installed via Chrome as PWA

You can use Jamku concurrently on unlimited devices with multiple login.

And all that comes at the most affordable pricing. Get 15% Discount now.

For FREE Jamku Demo,

Inquire here!


Call us on
99871 06585 (CA Priya Madrecha)
80976 78068 (Shweccha Jain)

Email us on